瓦煲腊味饭 Clay pot Waxed Meat Rice

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1. 将腊味料洗净后蒸10分钟,切片备用。
2. 菜心洗净川烫好备用。(图1)
3. 白米洗净滴干,放进适量的水,煲10分钟。
4. 排入腊味料,小火继续煲20-30分钟即可。(图2-6)
5. 最后淋入酱汁,撒入青葱花和菜心即可。

1 each of waxed duck drumstick, waxed meat, Chinese sausage and liver sausage, 500g white rice grain, 6
stalk Choi Sum, 2 tbsp chopped spring onion
【Sauce ingredients】combined
1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp oyster sauce, 1 tb sp soy sauce 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1. Wash all waxed meat ingredients and steam for 10 minutes.
2. Blanch vegetable with boiling water, set aside.(pic 1)
3. Wash rice grain and cook with adequate water for 1o minutes.
4. Arrange waxed meat ingredients on top and continue to cook in low heat for another 20-30 minutes. (pic 2-6)
5. Sprinkle sauce ingredients, chopped spring onion and blanched Choi Sum on top to serve.


